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You're viewing Independence Day: The Game Cheat Codes

Game Name : Independence Day: The Game
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-06-26 22:01:51
Views : 24129

Cheat :
Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following player names at the main menu. Then, press [Ctrl] + [Right Shift] + 8 to display the cheat menu with the corresponding options. Each player name will select which options appear on the menu.

Player name: Options
LIVE FREE: Invincible
TOURIST: City, Tourist, Demo cam, No time
FOX ROX: Select level
MR HAPPY: Select plane
GO POSTAL: Damage bonus, Weapons, Fast reload
KIWI: Select level, plane; Invincible, Weapons, Fast reload
GODZILLA: Kill civil, Kill wing
KYRA NR: All options
BRENDAN QR: All options
DOOFUS: All options
GREG FM: All options
SCOTTYWAR: All options
ROSA DUONG: All options
COCO: All options
RADARMY: All options
DAB DAB: All options
TRI S: All options

The fast reload option allows missiles to be rapidly fired.

The damage bonus option allows aliens, generators, and vehicles to be destroyed with a single shot.

The weapons options allows your plane to have unlimited firepower.

The kill civ option allows civilian ground targets to be hit.

The kill wing option allows you to shoot down your wingman.

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Independence Day: The Game Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Independence Day: The Game Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
Independence Day: The Game Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Independence Day: The Game Cheat Codes at Game Score

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